Project Output

TitleMembers(s) involvedDescription
CCSEAS 2021 Conference: GMLC PanelDominiuqe Caouette, John Devlin, Angela Assuncion, John Edison UbaldoMember of the GMLC project presented their research related to the CCSEAS 2021 Conference.
“Underground Politics” of Canadian Transnational Mining in the PhilippinesAngela Assuncion, John Edison UbaldoAn academic blog post on Canadian Mining in the Philippines published on the Regional Studies Association website.
CASID 2021 Conference: GMLC PanelAngela Asuncion, Nicolas Brunet, Dominique Caouette,
John Edison Ubaldo, Kellyane Levac, Julie Guernier, Erika Ranke-Farro
Members of the GMLC Project were accepted as a panel for the CASID 2021 Conference. The team presented on June 4, 2021.
Lecture on Philippine Mining and Research FieldworkAngela Assuncion, John Edison UbaldoAngela and Edison were invited as guest lecturers for one session of the Southeast Asian Politics course under the Political Science department of the University of Montreal last March 15, 2021.